Jaako Seikkula & Lois Holzman in London

Από την ιστοσελίδα του KCC FOundation βλέπω 2 σεμινάρια το φθινόπωρο στο Λονδίνο, που πολύ θα ήθελα να μπορούσα να πάω.

JaakkoSeikkula.jpg (1663 bytes)Open dialogues with families and networks: being present in the moment for generating dialogue organising the entire system to support all the voices becoming heard.

Presenter: Jaakko Seikkula

Thursday 24th & Friday 25th September 2009

Jaakko Seikkula’s special subject is developing and analysing the processes in open dialogues in child, youth and adult psychiatry, especially concerning psychotic and other severe crises.

Jaakko Seikkula is a professor at the Institute of Social Medicine at the University of Tromso in Norway and senior assistant at the Department of Psychology in the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland. As a therapist, he is working with social networks and has long experience as a trainer in family therapy in Finland and internationally. Between 1981-1998, he worked as a clinical psychologist at the Keropudas hospital in Finland where he and colleagues developed a highly successful approach for working with psychosis known as Open Dialogue Treatment (OPT). The approach de-emphasizes the use of drugs and focuses instead on developing a social network of family and helpers and involving the patient in all treatment decisions. Ongoing research shows that over 80% of those treated with the approach return to work and over 75% show no residual signs of psychosis. Official government statistics comparing 22 health districts in Finland found that Dr. Seikkula’s district was the only one not to have any new chronic hospital patients in a two year period and led the National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health to award a prize for “over ten years ongoing development of psychiatric care”.

LoisHolzman.jpg (159871 bytes)    Learning to Play the Philosophy Game- A Workshop on How Social Therapy is Done

Presenter: Lois Holzman

Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd October 2009

Lois Holzman, the director and co-founder of the East Side Institute, New York will discuss the idea that we learn language by playing games with it, which is most associated with Lev Vygotsky and Ludwig Wittgenstein. She will play with the idea that making meaning is a relational, or collective, or ensemble, activity. Participants will be invited to work on the idea that the contemporary language of emotionality is impoverished and, in so small part, contributes to people’s emotional pain.

Lois Holzman is the director and co-founder of the East Side Institute. Lois has helped shape and expand the international performance movement, through the bi-annual Performing the World conference, the Institute’s International Class, and other collaborative community-building projects among psychologists, social workers and educators from around the world.

Lois has written or edited ten books and over sixty articles and chapters on human development and learning, psychology, education and social therapy. Her most recent book is Vygotsky at Work and Play. Lois earned her Ph.D. in developmental psychology from Columbia University and was a postgraduate research fellow at the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition at Rockefeller University.

Discover more from Γιώργος Κεσίσογλου (PhD)

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